House prices in Shipley, West Yorkshire

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681 - 720 of 861
Street/Postcode Avg. price paid
St. James Close, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 £415,000
St. James Place, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
St. James Road, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
St. Margarets Road, Shipley, BD18
St. Pauls Road, Shipley, BD18
Starting Post, Wrose, Shipley, BD10
Station Road, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Station Road, Esholt, Shipley, BD17
Staveley Court, Shipley, BD18
Staveley Drive, Shipley, BD18
Staveley Road, Shipley, BD18 £770,000
Stead Street, Shipley, BD17
Stone Fold, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 £125,000
Stone Street, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Straits, Northgate, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Strathallan Drive, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Strathmore Drive, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 £247,500
Stubbing Way, Shipley, BD18 £86,000
Stubbings Road, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Summerfield Close, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Summerfield Drive, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 £365,000
Summerfield Green, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Summerfield Grove, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Summerfield Park, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Sunhill Drive, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Sunny Bank, Shipley, BD18
Swan Drive, Shipley, BD17
Tarn, Esholt Lane, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Taunton Street, Shipley, BD18 £152,000
Temple Rhydding, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Temple Rhydding Drive, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 £252,500
Tenbury Road, Wrose, Shipley, BD18
Tennis Way, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
Tentercroft, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 £150,000
Thackley Old Road, Shipley, BD18
The Beeches, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 £485,000
The Brow, Baildon, Shipley, BD17
The Close, Wrose, Shipley, BD2
The Court, Ashfield Road, Shipley, BD18
The Crescent, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 £135,000
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